Why did you choose to work for MBition? What is your favourite part of working at our company?
I joined MBition exactly 5 years ago when the company was really small. Back in the days, when it had its start-up vibe, I saw the level of ambition and the great vision that this company had. I remember thinking that it was a little bit crazy but I wanted to be part of it. I saw MBition potential right away.
What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on here – and why?
Definitely the infotainment development for the new E-class 214 carline, or the Gen20x.i2 as we call it at MBition. It was the first project with such a complexity that MBition created with and for Mercedes-Benz. It was a huge learning experience because we were doing many things for the first time. As I came from the automative industry, I learned a lot on technical, but also organisational points during this project.
What do you enjoy most about working at MBition Berlin/Sofia?
As easy as it may seem, I would say the people here. During my 5 years at MBition, I had the chance to meet many great people with different mindsets and different visions. Not only were these people technically good, but they were also brave enough to have the ambition to change the way we do software in the automative industry.